Rural Church Renewal
Rural pastors helping rural churches think biblically about the local church.
Rural Church Renewal
Rural Churches and the Cross
TJ Freeman, Joe Wagner, & Brad Gray
Season 2
Episode 19
In this episode we discuss...
- rural churches and the cross with Brad Gray.
- You left sunny Florida for a church in a very rural part of Pennsylvania. What, Sir, were you thinking?
- What is a theology of the cross?
- This is often talked about in comparison to a theology of glory. What is the difference?
- How does a theology of the cross impact rural ministry? What are some practical implications?
- What does it look like for a rural shepherd to teach and lead with a theology of the cross?
- Find Brad here: https://www.graceupongrace.net/?fbclid=IwAR3WdTQgJQKVFTHtFQ0kq6x_iWiibCfDgbE__GUYox70wU4LtZb5tSTGOaA
- Gerhard O. Forde's On Being a Theologian of the Cross: Reflections on Luther's Heidelberg Disputation, 1518
Stuff Rural Pastors Can Use Review:
- Need a bag or an old website to find one? Joe reviews the Condor Sector Sling Bag, and Brad reviews archive.org.
Our Quote of the Day:
- There was no counsel, no help, no comfort for us until this only and eternal Son of God, in his unfathomable goodness, had mercy on our misery and wretchedness and came from heaven to help us… Jesus Christ, the Lord of life and righteousness and every good and blessing. He has snatched us, poor lost creatures, from the jaws of hell, won us, made us free, and restored us to the Father’s favor and grace …he who has brought us back from the devil to God, from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and now keeps us safe there. - Martin Luther, Large Catechism (1529)
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